Parainesis in figures

tons yearly capacity
finished products annualy
of experience in profession
share of recycled material
sqm site owned by us

Sectors & Products

Construction / Wood industry

High-quality, durable polyethylene products for builders and manufacturers


Furniture industry

Protective and cushioning packaging solutions for furniture


Food industry

Reliable and safe polyethylene packaging for food products



Durable and protective polyethylene products for automotive components


Packaging / Logistics

Innovative and versatile polyethylene packaging solutions for the logistics industry


Paper industry

High-quality and cushioning polyethylene packaging for paper products


Pharmaceutical industry

Safe and reliable polyethylene packaging for pharmaceuticals


Electrical industry

Durable, protective, antistatic polyethylene products for electrical components


Pet food

Animal food packaging



A legújabb technológiával felszerelt, ISO 9 minősítésű tisztaszobánkat olyan iparágak számára alakítottuk ki, ahol kiemelten fontos, hogy a csomagolásra használt polietilén fólia szennyeződésmentes legyen. Szigorú minőségellenőrzésünk versenyelőnyt biztosít elektronikai, gyógyszer- és élelmiszeripari partnereink számára.

Bővebben a tisztaszobáról

When you order a polyethylene product, you can pick from a million choices in terms of raw materials, dimensioning, material thickness and formula. Parainesis helps select the optimum solution to make you reach a higher margin, while quality issues disappear.

Get a quote

Our benefits

Quality Assurance

We prioritize high-quality products to meet international standards, giving you confidence in our ability to meet your needs


From recycling to renewable energy, we're committed to eco-friendly practices and sustainable solutions for you

Capacity and Scalability

With unmatched industry capacity and scalability, we can meet your diverse needs while maintaining high quality

Technical Expertise

Our deep understanding of polyethylene manufacturing allows us to provide innovative solutions for your evolving needs

Customized solutions

Tailoring our products to your unique requirements, we deliver bespoke solutions that perfectly align with your goals and specifications

Customer Service

We're dedicated to exceptional support and satisfaction, building long-term partnerships with you through our channels

On-time delivery, good quality item. Sells at the most favourable price on the market

Rita E., buyer

Whatever question I raised to them, they kindly helped me, they are reliable

N. Nándor, head of warehouse

Environmental awareness in polyethylene production

For a sustainable future and a clean planet for the sake of our children.

Biologically degradable raw material
We recycle 100% of the production scrap
40-60% of products is made of recycled plastics
150 KWp solar panel to reduce carbon footprint
We support the cleaning of oceans